At Airglaze-Aviation™, we found a way to reduce exterior maintenance costs on painted and non-painted surfaces of your helicopter with Airglaze Protective Coatings.
APC is a property developed for that part of the aviation industry that uses ‘‘Molecular Adhesion’’ to prevent parasitic drag, to extend paint life, and to prevent corrosion on the polished and un-polished bare metal surfaces.
Once applied, it will reduce and/or prevent the following
- Surface oxidization build up.
- Painted deterioration (gloss or colour loss) known as UV degradation.
- Reduction and/or prevention of external exhaust carbon build up.
- Reduction and/or prevention salt spray deposits on helicopter.
- Reduction and/or prevention of airborne and waterborne contaminates surface that cause and accelerate corrosion
- Reduction of down time for aircraft cleaning
**Salt spray chamber tested for 1200h**
What are the benefits of APC?
Benefits of having your helicopter treated with ‘‘APC’’ are less dirt build op on the helicopter surface, airflow smoothness preventing drag reduction of aircraft down time for cleaning.
Does ‘‘APC’’ have a UV Protection?
Yes it has a UV Protection on painted surfaces to prolong paint life and defer expensive paint costs and aircraft down time.
Is ‘‘APC’’ Certified for the Aircraft industry?
Yes it is certified for application by Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH.
Can ‘‘APC’’ be applied to painted and non-painted surfaces?
‘‘APC’’ is approved for painted and non-painted surfaces.
Is ‘‘APC’’ Heat Resistant?
‘‘APC’’ is heat resistant to 750 Degrees °C.